Christmas is upon us and the Portreeve is wondering where the last month went!
Despite the uncertainty in the world around us, one thing is certain, Christmas is upon us - and I'm not ready! I’ve not even managed to write my Christmas cards yet - let alone finish my Christmas shopping (and it’s not like I have a lot to get!) This is actually quite uncharacteristic in my case…
We will be providing a Community Christmas Lunch!
Frankly, planning anything is a challenge at this time. The rapidly changing situation kept us on our toes as we planned Law Day and the Portreeve’s Dinner and continues to challenge us as we plan the Community Christmas Lunch, then have to change our plans… and then change them again! We will be providing a community Christmas lunch, though sadly we cannot bring people together as we would have liked. Still - our guests will all receive a hot Christmas lunch with all the trimmings delivered by a cheery visitor to brighten their Christmas day!
Karen and I have had an enjoyable, if busy, start to our year in office, We’ve enjoyed Christmas carols in the spectacular setting of Buckfast Abbey, one of the largest raffles I’ve ever seen at the Ashburton Pensioners Lunch, Late Night Christmas Shopping and, of course, coffee mornings and the inevitable cake! We have dates in the diary for next year and are planning a few dates of our own!
We’ve had a great response to our request for causes you would like us to support - around 20 different causes in the community have been suggested. We’d like to support as many as we can in some way, and will be planning this early in the New Year.
Please keep in touch!
If you would like to keep up to date with our progress, hear our news, be notified of upcoming events or just keep in touch - on the web site at where you can also sign up for our periodic newsletter.
Finally, we are looking forward to a little time to relax and recharge our batteries over the coming days and hope that you too will also be able to enjoy this festive season.
Wishing you all a very merry Christmas and a happy and healthy New Year!
Sean Wilson
Portreeve 1201
Karen Turner
Master Bailiff