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Publicly Accessible Defibrillators

Updated: Jul 3, 2022

Defibrillators save lives in Ashburton

Attendees at Ashburton Soup enjoyed a bowl of soup whilst hearing pitches for funding for community causes
Defibrillators save lives!

Defibrillators in Ashburton

There are currently two publicly accessible defibrillators in Ashburton, both near the Town Centre. One is located at Grey Matter and the other at the rear of the Town Hall next to the entrance to the Information Centre. Both defibrillators have been used in recent emergencies that occurred within a few metres of the defibrillator.

Publicly accessible defibrillators save lives, and in emergency situations where a few seconds can mean the difference between life and death having one near by can ensure a patient's survival.


Additional defibrillators are needed to serve densely populated areas of Ashburton away from the Town Centre.


We are raising funds to install a defibrillator at Balland Stores serving Balland Park and the surrounding area. If we exceed our fundraising target we will look at other locations too. The funds raised will pay for a defibrillator and any related costs. Don Distin has generously offered to assist with installation which will reduce our costs.


A fully automatic defibrillator, cabinet and signage will cost around £1600.


To help us purchase a defibrillator support the choose the "Portreeve's Pick" when eating out at your favourite local pub or restaurant or, if you prefer, you can donate online.

You can also donate spare change at any shop displaying a collection tin for the Portreeve's Defibrillator Campaign.

Should we be lucky enough to exceed our target, the surplus will go towards our other supported causes.



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