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Remembering Historic Anniversaries

Updated: Jul 3, 2022

2022 is an important year in Ashburton's history - we shall remember

One hundred years ago, the Ashburton Branch of the RBL was founded

Seventy years ago, Queen Elizabeth II acceded to the throne

Forty years ago, this month marked the end of the Falklands war

This year has seen celebrations in Ashburton marking each of these anniversaries which have a special meaning to many in our community.

On the morning of the 25th June the RBL held a small gathering at the Memorial for a short service to remember those that served or gave their lives during the Falklands conflict and also to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Royal British Legion Ashburton Branch.

The celebration continued In the afternoon at the Legion Hut in Blogishay Lane where there was an exhibition of photos and videos relating to the conflict, live music, BBQ, bar, raffle and an RBL stall with proceeds going to help the branch and the RBL continue their good work in the community and for our veterans.

During the well attended event we unveiled a commemorative plaque dedicated by The Courts Leet & Baron, The Growing Space and The Hut at Blogishay Lane. The plaque and the memorial arch and garden at the Legion Hut commemorate the Platinum Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II and the Centenary of the Ashburton RBL Branch.

The garden has been planted by the Growing Space to help create a place for quiet reflection whilst the arch and plaque were made possible by the generous support of members of our community, the RBL and the Courts.


(*Photo's by John Germon)


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