The Growing Space brings people together and promotes wellbeing
About The Growing Space
Located in a peaceful plot behind the Legion Hut in the heart of Ashburton and run by Ashburton Methodists in conjunction with the Royal British Legion Growing Space is a community garden project bringing together a community of people, and nourishing them in body, mind & spirit.
The group brings people together socially in the community garden - the connections promote general wellbeing, whilst the gardening keeps everyone fit! The produce is often donated to the Community Fridge which contributes to the wellbeing of the community as a whole.
The group usually meets every Wednesday 2-4pm and Saturday 10-12noon at the garden behind the Legion Hut.
The Growing Space is all about joining in and reaping the benefits of being a part of a social group maintaining a garden, enjoying the product of your work and supporting the community. They need people to join in, lend a hand whether it's every week or once a month.
They also need help reaching those who might benefit from joining in - so please tell your friends or share their facebook posts.
In addition to promoting the wellbeing and fitness of their members the Growing Space have donated produce to the Community Fridge and supported the Ashburton SOUP event which raised funds for several other community projects.
There are plans for a Jubilee commemorative garden and arch to create a welcoming entrance to the community garden. There are hopes for another Ashburton SOUP event which will allow supporters to hear about local groups and projects and will raise funds to support those causes. Both these projects will need funding.
When you eat out at participating businesses choose the Portreeve's Pick - funds raised will go to support the Portreeve's causes.
Should we be lucky enough to exceed our target, the surplus will go towards our other supported causes.
More Information
You can find out more about the Growing Space from their facebook page - click here.