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Things are Taking Shape!

Updated: Jul 3, 2022

Progress on two of the Portreeve's causes - both involving gardening!

I like to think that the Portreeve's role throughout the ages has had something to do with the wellbeing of the community. In the past the Portreeve would take an interest in the quality of bread, ale and meat sold to residents. Today we care about maintaining traditions for the enjoyment of all and supporting local causes that help our residents in some way.

Many of the causes I am supporting have a very specific focus on wellbeing, no great surprise perhaps given the impact of the pandemic. So it's nice to see progress being made on these projects which will have a positive effect on many people.

St Andrew's Churchyard - Sensory Garden

As part of the ongoing work on St Andrew's Churchyard the team, led by Geoff Histed, are turning a neglected bed into a sensory garden. They have taken advice on suitable plants for the spot, which is quite shaded, and are taking their time to get it right - so expect to see it evolve and mature over some time. All the more reason for repeat visits!

The plan so far is for a scented, evergreen climber against the wall and then numerous scented plants in the bed. The bed is raised, making it accessible, and the scented plants should smell lovely as people brush past them.

Sensory gardens are great for wellbeing and this will be a fantastic addition to what is already a wonderful space to come to relax.

Memorial Arch and Garden at the Legion Hut

This is a lovely project by the Growing Space in conjunction with the Ashburton branch of the Royal British Legion.

The Growing Space is a group who have been transforming some overgrown ground behind the Legion Hut into a wonderful vegetable and flower garden. The group really helps the wellbeing of its members, through the physical activity itself, but also through the social aspect of working together.

The new arch will frame the entrance to the garden and help to create a quiet corner for visitors to the Legion Hut to sit and relax. The arch and the fence will be bordered by plants including a Jubilee Rose.

The arch also commemorates Queen Elizabeth II's Platinum Jubilee and the Centenary of the Ashburton Branch of the RBL. There will be a plaque to this effect and a Jubilee Rose planted next to the arch.

We're looking forward to the "unveiling" during the Jubilee Celebrations at The Hut.



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